iCal and iTools 7 WebDAV tutorial
iCal is an elegant personal calendar application that helps you manage
your life and your time better than ever before. Essentially, iCal is an
organizer that offers multiple calendars, all of which can be integrated
so you do not leave for your annual business trip to Outer Mongolia on
the same day as your wedding anniversary, when you should be buying
flowers and dinner for your wife.
If you already have your own iTools 7 server, it may seem redundant and
expensive to get a .Mac account for set up your own iCal Calendars.
What can you do?
The easiest option is to just export the calendar to an .ics and
put that up on a web site. However, with this method, it is a lot of work
to update your calendar. iCal has a feature that allows you
to update calendars automatically through a protocol called WebDAV. You
just select the menu Calendar -> update, and in a few second the
published calendar is up-to-date.
Here are the steps for setting up iCal:
1. Create an iTools 7 user.
iTools needs to know if the iCal user trying to update the calendar
is legitimate. So you have to create a new user and password in Users
Settings. Simply, fill in a username and password, then click Apply.
2. Set up directories.
If you want to create a subdirectory called /dav, then go to your server's
document root (it's usually /Library/Tenon/WebServer/Documents) and
create a new directory. We'll call this directory dav. Choose a name that will
help you remember what the directory is for.
Set the permissions and ownership of this directory so that the Web
server can write to it. Do this by changing the group owner to www,
the group the Web server belongs to:
sudo chgrp www /Library/Tenon/WebServer/Documents/dav
sudo chmod 775 /Library/Tenon/WebServer/Documents/dav
3. Enable Access Control folder.
Next, click on Web Settings -> Access Control in iTools Administration
server. Click browse to select /Library/Tenon/WebServer/Documents/dav
from the file browser. Enable the WebDAV checkbox, input the "Realm
Name" of your choice, and select the username that you created in step 1,
then click Apply.
4. Publish your calendar.
Select the calendar you want to publish and then hit the menu command
Calendar -> publish...The window that pops up will give you two options:
publish on .Mac or on a Web server. Being a iTools 7 user, you will click
on the second, which expands the window with more options.
For the URL, put the full path to the calendar file on the server. The
name of the file may not be exactly what you typed in for the calendar.
If there are spaces, for example, they will be replaced with %20.
You can see ahead of time what the name will be by exporting the database
to a file and reading the filename.
For username, put in the username and the password you created back in
step 1. And that's it!
You can create as many calendars as you want.
Test it out. You can subscribe to your own calendars, though you may
think you're seeing double. If you have problems, check the Web server's
error log in /Library/Tenon/WebServer/Logs/error_log. When you're done,
you'll be able to tell your friends and associates how to subscribe to
your calendars and feel the respect wash over you.
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