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MachTen Man Pages from the CD

The Power MachTen 4.0.3 manual describes a method for accessing manual (man) pages directly from CD-ROM (sec 2.3.3 "Accessing Online Man Pages Directly From the CD-ROM"). While this method works, it does not support adding additional man pages from other applications installed as site specific customizations to your MachTen installation.

This note details the steps necessary to continue to access the standard MachTen man pages from CD-ROM and to access man pages for site specific applications. It also includes the optional steps necessary to update the "whatis" database, each time man pages for new applications are installed.


The following steps will allow you to access man pages from the Power MachTen CDROM rather than copying the Power MachTen:Man Pages:tty folder into the /usr/share/man folder on your hard drive.

The advantage of this prodecure is the savings of about 4 MB of disk space (This is an estimate as your system's block size will determine the final space used).

The disadvantage is performance (CDROM access times are noticably slower than hard drives).

Before getting started with the instructions below, insert the MachTen 4.0.3 CD into your CD drive (MachTen can be started first or already running at this point).


1. Start MachTen if it is not running.

2. Make sure that /etc/fstab contains the following line enabled:

"Power MachTen" /CDROM ufs ro 0 0
If it is missing, add it.
If there is a # in front of the line, remove the #.

3. Create a symbolic link to the Man Pages folder on the CDROM:

execute the following command:

ln -s "/CDROM/Man Pages/" /usr/share/man/cdrom

4. Edit the /etc/man.conf file to tell man to look at the CDROM in addition to the standard directories:

vi /etc/man.conf

(if you do not like vi, use your favorite text editor (BBEdit is a good one) to make these changes.)

add man/cdrom/tty to the second set of {} in the following lines:

_default /usr/{share,X11,contrib,local}/{man,man/cdrom/tty,man/old}/ 1 /usr/{share,X11,contrib,local}/{man/,man/cdrom/tty,man/old/}man1 2 /usr/{share,X11,contrib,local}/{man/,man/cdrom/tty,man/old/}man2 3 /usr/{share,X11,contrib,local}/{man/,man/cdrom/tty,man/old/}man3 4 /usr/{share,X11,contrib,local}/{man/,man/cdrom/tty,man/old/}man4 5 /usr/{share,X11,contrib,local}/{man/,man/cdrom/tty,man/old/}man5 6 /usr/{share,X11,contrib,local}/{man/,man/cdrom/tty,man/old/}man6 7 /usr/{share,X11,contrib,local}/{man/,man/cdrom/tty,man/old/}man7 8 /usr/{share,X11,contrib,local}/{man/,man/cdrom/tty,man/old/}man8
save the changes

NOTE: The last three steps are only needed if you use the -k option with man to display apropos information.

5. Drag the following files from the CDROM (PowerMachTen:Man Pages:tty) into the /usr/share/man folder:


6. Edit the /usr/share/man/makewhatis script to make whatis.db *see* the CDROM files:

vi /usr/share/man/makewhatis (your favorite text editor will work here also)

add -L flag to the following line:

find -L /usr/share/man -type f -name '*.0' -print | \

save the changes

7. Rebuild the whatis.db to include the files on the CDROM (each time new man pages are added to your system by an application or package, this step should be repeated.)

execute the following command:


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