Unsolicited Testimonials about Tenon's X Window Software
"I've used MacX, eXodus and Tenon's MachTen. I'm completely hooked
on MachTen for performance and reliability reasons."
Engineer, Hughes Research Center
"I love it. I am very impressed. Wonderful job, folks."
Researcher, University of Colorado
"I recently tried your X package on the PowerPC platform and your
documentation suffers from too much humility. That rascal runs nearly
as fast as my SPARC IPC, despite the worst case scenario according to
the documentation, i.e., no floating point and Personal in place of Professional
with virtual memory. I can't wait to see the PowerPC version!"
Engineer, University of Toledo
"It runs pretty good on an 800! Similar in game speed to a SPARC2."
Systems Adminstrator, Ascent Corporation
"Runs great on a 520c. First time X has ever been workable on a
Mac. Great potential here!"
Professor, Georgia Tech
"I like it a lot - it really smokes."
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