iTools anytime, anywhere WEBmail enables users to access email from any device running a browser. iTools WEBmail is compatible with SMTP mail servers: thus the WEBmail client can POP or IMAP mail from any SMTP mail server and any mail client can POP or IMAP mail from the WEBmail mail server. The WEBmail client can be hand-tailored with unique logos and banner advertising on a virtual host-by-virtual host basis.
Tenon's iTools WEBmail was developed by EMUmail, Inc. (, a widely respected vendor of web-based mail systems. The new WEBmail supports multiple attachments, address books, user definable folders, outbox for sent messages, real-time SPAM filtering using the "Real-Time Blackhole" list of known SPAMmers, customizable tag line for site branding, blind carbon copy, spell check, quoted reply, forwarding, per-user or per-domain message quotas, and per-user or per-domain access restrictions. WEBmail supports FastCGI for optimized performance.
Founded in 1989, Tenon Intersystems is a leader in high-performance networking. Apple's OS X, coupled with the new G4 processors and Tenon's iTools, provides the foundation for world-class content delivery.
Tenon's iTools includes software developed by the Apache Group for use in the Apache HTTP Server Project.
Apache Server and Apache Group are copyright (c)1995-1999 The Apache Group.
Tenon, iTools, and WEBmail are trademarks of Tenon Intersystems.
EMUmail is a trademark of EMUmail, Inc.
All other product names are trademarks of their respective holders.